Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Facts, Fiction and Silas Marner Essay Topics

Facts, Fiction and Silas Marner Essay Topics Ok, I Think I Understand Silas Marner Essay Topics, Now Tell Me About Silas Marner Essay Topics! On your very first reading, you can aim for an extensive grasp of the passage and consider how you might use it in order to answer the question. Paying attention to speech and action, as well as narratorial description, enables the reader to come up with a comprehension of character. Analysis of the Novel There are a lot of life lessons within this story! Most students often find it challenging to be critical, probably since they are beneath the impression that to be able to critique something you need to possess expert-level understanding. This sample paper on Silas Marner provides a framework of relevant facts depending on the recent research in the specialty. Setting out to write a vital book review is an intimidating task. These outline guidelines are really important because the moment that you detail them, you'll have an obvious structure in your head. We will supply you with finest written topic in Silas Marner essays depending on your requirements. Silas Marner Essay Topics Ideas Godfrey isn't certain what to do. Themes are employed within this novel to portray what George Elliot was attempting to demonstrate the readers. Now he's totally free to marry Nancy. He tells Nancy he will change. The Most Popular Silas Marner Essay Topics The most important conflict of the story isn't really established until 94% of the book was read. Let's look at the key characters in the story. You may read the book more easily in the event you take less care and don't attempt to read between the lines however by doing s o you would miss a good deal of what the book is truly about. The perfect way to make this easy is to write down your ideas and impressions while you're reading the book. If your summary comprises spoilers, ensure you warn your readers about it. To be certain, there are many characters who lend a whole lot of local color to the story, but they add considerably more than that. Include a summary of the book in which you summarize the plot and also present an expression of your general judgment. The 2 plots aren't unrelated, however. They've a 2-year-old girl. Silas Marner is found in several high school anthologies and is frequently utilized to introduce students to Victorian Literature. Eppie would like to select the bush where Molly died into the garden. Silas asks for the doctor because there's a dead body outside his home. Another is using custom and tradition. This is whenever the sapling has started to circulate but before that there's no such indication of life on the outward. The book covers a lengthy period of time over thirty decades. In his last decades, Marner's life is currently fulfilled. It will get somewhat repetitive, and it appears that we won't observe a great deal of those folks again. There were lots of people making lots of money by setting up various industries. The Silas Marner Essay Topics Game George Eliot's Silas Marner furthers this concept that, even though there is evil on the planet, intimate human relationships are capable of creating happiness in the middle of brokenness. On the 1 hand, there's the title character. Throughout the book there's absolutely no moment once I feel Silas is not achieving the function of a guy. Silas and Eppie, on the flip side, though they don't have status or wealth, seem to relish unmitigated happiness. Silas Marner and Godfrey Cass both have various outlooks towards life, due to the events that happen on account of their social rank. Silas Marner essays can be challenging to write. Silas spent plenty of time alone with Eppie. He is not into it at all. He is going to keep the child. He becomes attached to the child and decides that he is going to keep it. Ultimately, individuals need to consider about their situations and act from that point. There's also an event of destiny. Don't forget to pay close attention to the question you've chosen to reply. I cannot answer that question, but it's one that's well worth thinking about. The Nuiances of Silas Marner Essay Topics Elliot shows many intersections between the 2 households. It is very important to remember that it's selfless love that is shown to result in this transformation. Eliot's writing style is also quite simple because of the Dutch realism' involved. You may be requested to write about mood and atmosphere, or a specific character, or even about your own personal reply to the passage or to a character. The impacts of the passage of time on the primary characters are described. In the start, there's very little connection between them, but by the close of the tale they're inseparable. It seems that the change effected within this scene is not only in those who fear, but additionally in the object of their fear. I'll talk about the recording below.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cyber Bullying And The Modern Age Essay - 1268 Words

The Internet is a major part of the lives of children of this generation, yet most parents do not know exactly what their children do on the computer. As teenagers socially establish themselves within peer groups, and involve their parents less and less in their social lives, they are less likely to tell their parents what they are doing on the internet, or share internet conversations with their family. This allows cyber bullies to target victims without any repercussions. For the most part, cyber bullying is much like traditional forms of bullying, except for the fact that they take place online. It is generally viewed as a normative part of child development, and is done as a means of elevation one’s own social position. As cyber bullying takes place among other forms of bullying in the modern age research is being done by scientists to learn more about the nature of these aggressive acts and how to best deal with this problem amongst youth. Definitions of cyber bullying differ among scholars. In a study of cyber bullying cyber bullying was described as, â€Å"An aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself â€Å" (Smith, et al., 2008). Other experts define cyber bullying as â€Å"willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices† (â€Å"Cyberbullying Statistics, 2015). When they speak to students,Show MoreRelatedCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1536 Words   |  7 PagesBullying has been an extreme issue all around the world for hundreds of years, and since modern technology has advanced, so has cyber bullying. â€Å"‘Gimme’ your lunch money† has turned into texting and posting gruesome threats and embarrassing material all over social media. 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With the new age of technology ma ny young adults have easier access to the web and social media than their past generations. â€Å"Over 80 percent of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of technology and a common medium for cyber bullying† (Cyberbullying Research Center, 2010). The World Wide Web and social media have opens up a black hole to psychological and emotional stress for some young adults. Cyber bullying is defined as a form of teen violenceRead MoreThe Eternal Effects of Cyber Bullying1196 Words   |  5 PagesOnce upon a time the age of innocence in the adolescent years was filled with long walks by the pond, playing stickball, dress up, tea parties, rough housing with friends and the love of a favorite doll. Those days are true still today yet in most every ones childhood memory they have been subjected or their friends were at the mercy of the schoolyard bully. The aggressive kid that was determined to make at least one other schoolmates life miserable whether i t was muscle over might or sheer hostilityRead MoreThe Increasing Influence of Bullies1351 Words   |  5 PagesBullying is the abuse of the difference in power between the bully and the victim. Bullying should not be written off as kids just being kids. It should not be excused as a part of growing up. Bullying also is not something that victims should be left to work out for themselves, because it can change the victim in long-term and devastating ways. It has become more problematic, and the methods of domination and exploration are much more varied and even more invisible to the watchful eye of protectiveRead MoreAn Analysis of Cyber-Bullying in a Multiethnic Sample Essays974 Words   |  4 PagesThe advancements in modern technology poses a new challenge in today’s youth, affecting not just students but adults and teachers alike in combating what is popularly known as cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying emerged from the anonymity technology provides bullies, the victimsâ₠¬â„¢ would receive repeated taunts, flames, in the form of emails, text messages, messages lefts on the victims’ social networking sites up to exclusion from those media sites. Goebert, D., Else, I., Matsu, C., Chung-Do, J., andRead MoreCyberbullying: Are Social Networking Websites The Cause? Essay1320 Words   |  6 PagesFacebook in one month. (Facebook) In todays day and age, social networking sites have taken over the internet. Sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr have linked people together in a way that was never thought possible. However, from all good comes bad, and from social networking sites the act of cyber bullying - bullying and harassing someone through the internet was born. Now, whether or not the websites are the cause of cyber bullying has become a rather controversial topic. Abraham

Monday, December 9, 2019

Human Resource Strategy Formulation - Implementation and Impact

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Strategy for Formulation, Implementation and Impact. Answer: Introduction The international human resource management comprises of numerous activities which are aimed at management of the employees at international level so that the organizational objectives can be achieved (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). This activity is common for multinational organizations where the human resource managers need to take care of the employee bas spanning across several countries. The individuals who have either temporarily or permanently migrated to a foreign location other than the home country are known as expatriates (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). There are several issues that are faced by them when they start working in another country. One of the most prominent of them is the cultural differences. This report would discuss about three international human resource issues which are faced by the expatriates. The concluding part of the report would also give suitable recommendations for addressing the issue. Discussion A typical international human resources management would include the management of three kinds of employees such as host country employees, home country employees and the third country (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). There are several issues faced by the expatriate when they visit a foreign land (Harzing and Zhang 2016). There are three main issues which would be discussed in this report- cultural issues, training and development and recruitment/selection. Factors affecting international HRM The multinational organization that is engaged in multiple businesses is not always associated with homogeneity of the human resources. The following factors are associated with management of the human resources such as Cultural factors- The wide cultural differences across the countries pose a challenge to the HR managers (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). In some parts of the world, there is dominance of the patriarchal system, however, in some parts of the world, people disrespect such attitudes. Economic factors- The individual differences between countries create an impact on the human resource management (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The value of productivity, economic parameters and others affect the HR practices. Labor cost factors- The high labor expenses need focus on the efficiency of the human resources policies such as Pay for Performance (Lazarova McNulty and Semeniuk 2015). There is disparity of the labor costs, number of working hours and others. Industrial relations factors- The relationship between the labor unions, workers and the employer can have significant impact on the international HRM practices (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). Issues of international human resource management Cultural Issues The cultural forces are one of the strongest determinants in international human resources management (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The national culture of one country is different with that of other country. The cultural forces are affected by the societal forces which determine the actions, beliefs and values of a group of people (Bamberger Biron and Meshoulam 2014). The culture of India and Australia are different and hence the expatriate who would be visiting the country would be facing cultural differences. For example, Indians have a conservative culture whereas Australia possesses an open culture. The corporate culture in the foreign country is unknown to the expatriate. It is true that the company information is available on the website of the company, however, the real culture cannot be felt from a foreign location (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The culture of a country is multifaceted (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The customs as well as ideas are some of the usual manifestation s of culture. It affects the understanding of the people as well as the identity of an individual. The corporate culture is influenced by beliefs, practices and the values of the company. The employees induct the culture through the process of observation as well as training (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). However, the expatriate employees are unable to absorb the culture of the foreign country immediately after joining the new workplace. They would be unable to understand the organizational practices of frugality, integrity and corporate social responsibility. The organizational values are usually unspoken and hence the expatriates find it difficult to understand them (Ravu and Parker 2015). The organizational culture is usually influenced by internal reward policies, behavior of the employees and the national culture of the country (Scott 2013). There are difficulties with the cultural integration especially in a diverse organization. The human resource manager may find it difficult to attract, retain as well motivate the best employees of the organization (Bamberger Biron and Meshoulam 2014). They may also find it difficult to do employee engagement activities. Experts opine that around 31% of the new employee integration causes due to the cultural mismatch (Ravu and Parker 2015). There would be cultural differences between the employees and the company management. The cultural differences would become a serious problem for the new employee who has recently joined Australian organizations (Oyewobi Abiola-Falemu and Ibironke 2016). The employee would not be able to engage in clear communication with the team members. He would not be able to engage in non-verbal business etiquettes that are essential for engaging in successful business practices (Ravu and Parker 2015). He would not be able to interact with the international teams nor would he be able to engage in negotiations with the foreign organizations. He would not be able to adjust to the new organizational culture which is a representative of the national culture (Jaques 2013). For example, the expatriate would know that being polite is a norm in the workplace, however, he would not be aware of the degree of politeness that must be ideally displayed in the organization. Politeness can be perceived in a di fferent way in a new geographical domain (Spencer-Oatey and Kdr 2016). There can also be differences in the expectations as well as norms in the workplace. The religion is known to have intense impact on the personal identity of the professionals. In Australia, majority of the religions are Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Christian and Anglican (Dunn and Piracha 2015). The Indian person would not be able to understand the religious sentiments of this group of people. The leadership style of the individuals varies from one country to the other (Spencer-Oatey and Kdr 2016). The Australian style of leadership would not be same as the Indian style of leadership. The Indians tend to prefer a paternalistic leadership style and they tend to respect the skills of the superiors (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The juniors in the Indian corporate environment expect attention and the leaders display top down communication approach. This is not common in the Australian workplaces. The Australian workplaces are able to align themselves quickly with the company objectives and they are usually less satisfied (Mawer 2014). This may create issues for the expatr iates where they might not be able to cope up with the new corporate culture. Training and Development Issues The international human resource management faces a constant issue with the training and the development function which is most prevalent in the multinational organizations. The training programs usually comprise of in house seminars, classroom training, e-learning and the meetings that are designed to impart job related skills to the employees (McArdle 2015). One of the most crucial issues in this regard is the language barriers. The Indian employee who has started working in Australia would find it difficult to understand fluent English language (McArdle 2015). The organization has to invest more in the language classes, which would often be not so successful, if the concerned employee has severe language issues (Benson and Voller 2014). He may take a long time in conversing with the Australian counterparts in their native language. This would hamper the productivity of the organization in the long run. This is because the employee would not be able to perform to his fullest potent ial. The identification of the current skills as well as expertise of the expatriate needs to be done by the human resource department (McArdle 2015). However, there can be instances, when the human resource department would be unable to do so. This creates shortage in the skills training of the new candidates which would make them unable to perform the job duties (McArdle 2015). There are other problems associated with the training program such as the nature of the job. The temporary nature of most of the jobs does not allow the human resource managers to allocate budget for the training purposes (Ulrich 2013). Hence, there is lack of expertise of the training experts which makes the training process not so effective. There may be lack of training experts which may impart appropriate training to the expatriates. There may also be a conservative mindset which would compel the human resource managers to give less importance to the training process (Ulrich 2013). The effectiveness of training an expatriate may be a matter of concern for the human resource team of the Australian organization. There may be absence of an interpreter who would interpret the local language of India to Australian language, so that it can be well understood by the Australian counterparts (Nicholas and Starks 2014). The components of the training program may not be designed in an appro priate manner. An ideal training process may include the field experiences and the sensitivity training which is essential for the overall development of an individual (Kolb 2014). The training is often concerned with the lack of understanding of the intuition as well as unsystematic methods of training the expatriates. An expatriate individual would be unable to cope up with the new environment and may also find it difficult to concentrate on the training schedules (Nicholas and Starks 2014). The expatriates are considered as foreigners in the host country and their needs are often not addressed by the training managers (Kolb 2014). The inadequate training process would lead to a decrease in the self confidence of the employees. The training should commence a year before the expatriate starts to live in the foreign country (Nicholas and Starks 2014). However, in a majority of the situations, the training commences when the person migrates to a foreign land. This makes the person un comfortable and unprepared when he actually commences his professional journey in a foreign country (Kolb 2014). This affects the productivity of the concerned employees, especially in the first few months of his overseas career. Recruitment and Selection The recruitment and selection process is an important area in the international human resource management. The recruiting efforts in the home country are different from that in the foreign countries. The human resource professionals should take care of the regulations, cultural differences and the language considerations (Moran Abramson and Moran 2014). However, the cross border human resource managers often omit these minute details while designing the recruitment policy. There are issues with the recruitment policy of the multinational companies such as cooperation, demographic beliefs, culture, racism and legal factors. It is hard to determine the recruitment sources for filling up the overseas vacancies (Moran Abramson and Moran 2014). This makes it difficult to find the right candidates for filling up the vacancies. It is also important to determine the demographic composition of the candidates to be interviewed. This makes them unaware of the different skills of the employees ( Moran Abramson and Moran 2014). The recruiter is unable to understand the job competence, relational traits, personality traits and the environmental variables of the new candidates (Cocchiara Bell and Casper 2014). The job competencies such as technical skills include the knowledge of the host country and job operations, which may be unknown to the candidate. It is not possible for the Indian candidate to know about the traditions and corporate culture in Australia. The candidate may not be able to display sufficient social skills such as ability to tolerate ambiguity and the art of courtesy (Moran Abramson and Moran 2014). The human resource manager would be unable to tackle issues such as family concerns, ability to adjust, right selection of the candidates and the experience level of the candidates (Stredwick 2013). The human resource manager would be unable to analyze the educational backgrounds and the experience level of the candidates. This makes them unsure about the suitability of the candidates to the organizational vacancies. There are instances when the candidate faces racism when venturing into a foreign land (Moran Abramson and Moran 2014). The selection process may not serve the purpose in a correct manner. The human resource managers may not be able to apply all the criteria for selecting the right candidate. The candidate s must be evaluated on the basis of personal characteristics, communication skills, cultural adjustments, personal factors and the ability to satisfy the organizational requirements (Zakarevi?ius and Ã… ½uperkien? 2015). The human resource managers are unable to screen the background of the applicants on the basis of parameters such as work experience, earlier overseas assignment experience, foreign language fluency and the overall job performance of the concerned person (Aswathappa 2013). The primary mode of interview is through the online telecommunications such as Skype, which makes it difficult for the recruiter to analyze the behavioral aspects of the candidates (Zakarevi?ius and Ã… ½uperkien? 2015). This would make incorrect recruiting decisions by selecting the misfit candidate. The human resource recruiters often fail to understand the local needs of the organizations (Aswathappa 2013). They are increasingly becoming unable to find the right skills for the organization that would be successful in achieving the organizational objectives. These reasons are responsible for the lack of success of the recruitment as well as selection initiatives. Methodology The study was conducted in the Sydney business area of Australia. The sample size was 100 and it comprised of the Indians who have migrated in Australia in the last 5 years. A structured questionnaire was formulated and distributed among the participants. The face to face interview was conducted to know the exact responses of the participants. The questionnaires were also sent to the sample population through emails. The Google forms were used to collect data from the participants. The forms allowed the researchers to gather, compile and interpret the data. The method used for data analysis was qualitative data analysis is narrative analysis and content analysis. In narrative analysis, the transcribed experience is used to display the experiences of the expatriates. In the case of content analysis, the behavioral data is being categorized so that is easy to classify, summarize and tabulate the findings. Recommendation The cultural issues may be addressed with proper attention. The constant communication is a key to address the issues of cultural diversity. A relationship of trust should be created and the expatriate should be interacted personally for determining their challenges. The training and development issues should be solved by designing suitable training packages for the expatriates. They should be exposed to the training process even before the candidates actually join the overseas job opportunities. The human resource department should impart language training to the foreign nationals. The presence of an interpreter is also desirable which would also increase the organizational efficiency. The human resource recruiter should try to look for alternate sources of recruitment such as attending conferences, international job fairs, local online jib portals and others. The organizational policies should focus on the preferences as well as needs of the expatriates. Conclusion The international human resource management is one of the most crucial aspects of the management. The cross cultural managers often face the issue of international human resource management. There are several issues that are associated when an expatriate start to work in a foreign country. There are several factors associated with the international HRM such as cultural factors, economic factors, industrial relations factors and labor cost factors. There are three issues discussed in this report such as cultural issues, training as well as development and recruitment as well as selection. This report identified the different cultural factors which determine the success of the expatriates in a foreign country. The training and the development function comprises of the difficulty in assessing the competency of the candidates. The recruitment as well as selection function cannot be performed fully by the human resource professionals. This report would broaden the understanding of the int ernational HRM issues. References Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Aswathappa, K., 2013.Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Bamberger, P.A., Biron, M. and Meshoulam, I., 2014.Human resource strategy: Formulation, implementation, and impact. Routledge. Benson, P. and Voller, P., 2014.Autonomy and independence in language learning. Routledge. Cocchiara, F.K., Bell, M.P. and Casper, W.J., 2014. Sounding Different: The Role of Sociolinguistic Cues in Evaluating Job Candidates.Human Resource Management. Dunn, K.M. and Piracha, A., 2015. The multifaith city in an era of post-secularism: The complicated geographies of Christians, non-Christians and non-faithful across Sydney, Australia. InThe changing world religion map(pp. 1635-1654). Springer Netherlands. Harzing, A.W. and Zhang, L.E., 2016. From dilemmatic struggle to legitimized indifference: expatriates host country language learning and its impact on the expatriate-HCE relationship.Journal of World Business. Jaques, E., 2013.The changing culture of a factory(Vol. 7). Routledge. Kolb, D.A., 2014.Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press. Lazarova, M., McNulty, Y. and Semeniuk, M., 2015. Expatriate family narratives on international mobility: key characteristics of the successful moveable family. InWork and Family Interface in the International Career Context(pp. 29-51). Springer International Publishing. Mawer, G., 2014.Language and literacy in workplace education: Learning at work. Routledge. McArdle, G.E., 2015.Training design and delivery: A guide for every trainer, training manager, and occasional trainer. Association for Talent Development. Moran, R.T., Abramson, N.R. and Moran, S.V., 2014.Managing cultural differences. Routledge. Nicholas, H. and Starks, D., 2014.Language education and applied linguistics: Bridging the two fields. Routledge. Oyewobi, L.O., Abiola-Falemu, O.J. and Ibironke, O.T., 2016. The impact of rework and organisational culture on project delivery.Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology,14(2). Ravu, S.Y. and Parker, K.M., 2015. Expatriates And Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study Of A PowerPlant Constructed In Africa.The International Business Economics Research Journal (Online),14(2), p.327. Scott, W.R., 2013.Institutions and organizations: Ideas, interests, and identities. Sage Publications. Spencer-Oatey, H. and Kdr, D., 2016. The bases of (im) politeness evaluations: Culture, the moral order and the EastWest debate.East Asia Pragmatics,1(1). Stredwick, J., 2013.An introduction to human resource management. Routledge. Ulrich, D., 2013.Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Harvard Business Press. Zakarevi?ius, P. and Ã… ½uperkien?, E., 2015. Improving the Development of Managers Personal and Professional Skills.Engineering Economics,60(5).

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Colorful Story of the Three Little Pigs

Abstract This paper will focus its attention on James Halliwell Philipp’s short story, â€Å"The Three Little Pigs† and the main theme behind the story. The author James Halliwell is famous for writing fairy tales which have been used as nursery tales and nursery rhymes. Further, this paper will analyze James Halliwell as an author and an antiquarian researcher in literature.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on The Colorful Story of the Three Little Pigs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This fairy story features or rather is dominated by anthromorphic animals. This paper will also feature eight different editors who have been interested in the story since its first publication. These authors have each analyzed and given different views and opinions regarding the story of the three little pigs. This story is of great interest to the western culture because of the great morals it possess as demonstr ated by the phrases used throughout the entire piece. Just like James Halliwell, the subsequent retellings present the story in the first person narrator. This is done by the wolf to portray the misunderstanding between him and the little pigs. This story is told to inspire people to work hard so as to achieve success. James Halliwell Philipps He was born James Orchard Halliwell-Philipps on the 21st June, 1820 to Thomas Halliwell. James was educated at the Jesus College in Cambridge where he took interest in English literature which was under the antiquarian research. As he grew, he became an â€Å"English Shakespearean scholar† as well as â€Å"English Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales† collector. His literature work began at 19 years and was dominated by textual criticism. He gave up the textual criticism in 1870 to concentrate on Shakespeare’s life. In 1872, James Halliwell assumed the name Philipps to honor the will of his first wife’s grandfather. From this time, Halliwell-Philipps took interest and were actively involved in editing literature related to the Percy Society, the Camden Society, and the Shakespeare society. His house was full of strange and rare work which he donated to libraries, institutions, and universities. The Colorful Story of the Three Little Pigs The story outline is the tale of three pigs with a duty to build a home. The story actually opens with the mother of these title characters sending them to â€Å"seek out their fortune.† The first pig takes little time at this thus builds a house out of straw so as to have extra time relaxing and playing outside.Advertising Looking for book review on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The second pig values relaxation just like the first one and as a result, uses sticks to build a home. Although he takes a lot of time doing this, he hurries to link up with his lazy friend for play and re laxation. The third pig is quite thoughtful therefore chooses to build a home out of bricks. This task requires him to put a lot of effort and use extra time to have the best results. Instead of taking time to play and relax with the other two, he seems to value a proper home. His effort pays off when the â€Å"Big Bad Wolf† visits their homes and tries to trick them out of their homes. He three pigs outsmart the wolf thus he resolves to use force to enter. The third pig’s house is the only one which stands up to the wolf’s pressure. Why James Halliwell Philipp’s wrote the story Three little pigs is a fairy tale that was written by James Halliwell in the year 1849. On its first publication, the story appeared in the book, â€Å"Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales.† It is not quite clear whether James Halliwell was the original author of the story or he had passed it from another. Through the phrases used in this story, the reader can draw a variety of morals. As a result, the story has become popular in the western culture. The main moral behind this story or rather the reason why James Halliwell Philipps wrote this story was to inspire the readers to work hard in everything they do so as to achieve success or favorable outcomes. All the same, the reader can tell the primary moral lesson as that working hard and dedication to whatever one does actually pays off. With reference to the story, the reader can see that, the first two pigs had built their homes in a hurry so as to have more time to play. The third pig had labored hard while constructing his house of bricks. When these a comparison is done between these three, it is clear that hard work brings about success with the third little pig’s house lasting long.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on The Colorful Story of the Three Little Pigs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This educates the reader s by showing them that, taking time and extra effort while performing tasks could bear them favorable and successful outcomes. Today, many organizations, parents, and teachers encourage their subjects to take extra time and put more effort in whatever undertaking so as to achieve the best results. This story of the three little pigs has been used in many contexts to encourage people. During the Great Depression, Walt Disney released a short film which inspired many people to get through the frustrations of the era. The bad wolf was used to symbolize the Americans strife while the three little pigs symbolized victory. With the inspiration derived from the three little pigs’ tale, the people knew for sure they will get out of the depression through hard work. The modern day story done by Joseph Jacobs has little modifications so as to appeal to the young people. The original story explains that, the bad wolf landed in the boiling pot and died while the today’s version sh ows that the wolf came down the chimney and only burned his tail. In his work, Alley Zoe tells the story of three little pigs who are sent by their mother to seek out their fortune. The little pigs travel to foreign land and each has to build his own home. The first pig builds a house made of straw since he is lazy and loves playing and relaxing. The second little pig builds a house out of sticks so that he can have more time to relax and play as well. The third little pig who is clever builds a home out of bricks. One day, a fox visits the first little pig and destroys the straw house and eats the little pig. The following day he destroys the second little pig’s house and eats him as well. When he visits the clever pig’s house, he tries all sorts of tricks but his plans are spoiled over and over. This angers him and resolves to enter the little pig’s house through the chimney oblivious of the boiling pot beneath. All of a sudden, the fox lands in the boiling po t and the little pig eats him for supper.Advertising Looking for book review on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ashliman’s work is a reprint of Jacobs and Lang’s versions of the â€Å"Three Little Pigs.† Ashliman relates the story of â€Å"The Three Goslings† with the tale of â€Å"The Three Little Pigs.† Ashliman tells the story of three goslings whereby two are selfish and will not allow the younger sister to share their home. The author shows how each gosling builds a home. The two selfish sisters build unstable homes while the young one who is clever constructs the best house. A fox comes along and swallows the two selfish sisters. The third sister hurries to rescue her sisters by cutting open the fox’s stomach. The two goslings ask for forgiveness and the three live in the young gosling’s home happily. This new version by Dallimore, the story of three little bush pigs is told. Each bush pig tries to build a house to protect them from the old dingrel. The first pig builds a house of â€Å"prickly pear,† the second builds a house of à ¢â‚¬Å"weetabrix boxes,† and the third clever pig builds a house that can withstand the pressure of the dingrel. In the end, the little bush pigs report the dingrel to the Shire Council who take care of it. In his version, Graham tells the tale of three little pigs who live with their mother. When they grow older, the mother tells them to move out and build their own homes and keep watch on the Big Bad Wolf. The three little pigs travel together down the road and come across a man with a cart of straws. The first little pig asks the man to sell him the straws so that he can build a house and still spare some money to buy junk food. Upon seeing a man with a cart of sticks, the second pig asks to buy them and build a house out of them. The man advises both the first and the second little pigs that straw and sticks cannot make a strong house although it is cheap.  The third little pig meets a man with a cart full of bricks and buys them to build his house. When the Big Bad Wolf visits the first and second little pigs, he destroys their unstable houses but luckily they run to their brother’s house. The Wolf follows them to the brick house and tries to trick them severally with no luck. The wolf decides to climb down the chimney so as to reach the little pigs. The pigs keep a boiling pot of water under the chimney such that when the wolf comes down he lands on the water and climbs back howling in pain. The wolf howls down the road and the little pigs live happily ever after. In his book Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales, Halliwell tells the story of three little pigs who were sent by their mother to find their own fortune. Halliwell narrates how the first little pig begs a man to offer him straw so that he can put up his house. The man offers the little pig the straw with which he proceeds to build a house in hurry so as to have extra time for relaxation and play. Halliwell goes on to illustrate how a big and bad wolf comes to the little pig’s h ouse and breaks in to eat him up for the house cannot stand the wolf’s pressure. The author continues to demonstrate to the reader how the second pig meets a man who offers him â€Å"a bundle of furze† to build himself a house. In a hurry, the second little pig builds an unstable house so as to have extra play and relaxation time. The author clearly demonstrates to the reader the consequences of a badly done work when the Big Bad Wolf comes knocking. The wolf huffs and puffs and in the end blows the little pig’s house down and eats him up. Halliwell proceeds to show the reader how the third little pig meets a man and asks for his bricks to build a house with. Without hesitating the man offers the little pig the bricks with which he constructs a firm house with. When the wolf comes knocking and the little pig declines letting him in, he huffs and puffs but is not able to bring the house down. The author demonstrates the cunning character of the wolf by telling th e little pig he knows where to find nice turnips. The little pig agrees to accompany the wolf to Mr. Smith’s field to collect turnip the following day. The pig is depicted as clever for he leaves earlier to fetch the turnips an action which pisses the wolf. The wolf is seen to try every trick to get to eat the wolf but the little pig outsmarts him. In the end, the wolf is seen to declare eating the little pig by getting down the chimney since he cannot bring down the brick house. The writer shows the reader how the little pig makes up a big fire and hangs a pot full of water such that when the wolf comes down the chimney, he lands on the boiling water. The wolf is boiled and offers the little pig a huge feast that evening. Hook Williams tells the story of three little pigs living with their old mother whom after her death travel to find their own homes. The first pig builds a house out of straw while the second builds a house out of sticks.  The third clever little pig buil ds his house out of bricks. When the fox comes, he destroys the houses of the first and second pig. The two pigs run to the safety of their brother’s brick house where they burn old fox in a boiling pot of water. In the book â€Å"The Story of the Three Little Pigs,† Jacobs notes the relation between this tale and the story â€Å"Wolf and Seven Little Kids.† He observes that kids have â€Å"hair on their chinny chin-chins† and not the pigs. In his work, Jacobs tells the tale of three little pigs that are sent by their mother to seek their fortune. Jacobs illustrates how the little pigs have different thinking capacities. The first pig builds a home out of straw such that when the Big Bad Wolf visits, he blows the house down and eats the little pig.  Just like the first pig, the second little pig values relaxation and as a result builds a house out of sticks. When the wolf comes along, he huffs and puffs the house down and eats the little pig. Jacobs dem onstrates the third little pig as clever for he builds a house out of bricks. When the wolf visits, he realizes that he cannot blow the house down and resolves to trick the little pig who outsmarts him anyway. After trying without success, the wolf decides to go down the chimney so as to eat the little pig. Jacobs captures the reader’s attention through the dramatic out turn of events; the wolf lands in a pot of boiling water and the little pig eats him for supper. In his version, Lang tells the story of a sow that lives with her three children o n a â€Å"large, comfortable, old-fashioned farmyard.† The pigs are named Browny, Whitey, and the youngest Blacky. Lang illustrates Browny as naughty who does not listen to his mother’s or friends pleas. Browny loves to play and roll in the mud. The author depicts whitey as clever but greedy; he thoughts linger around food. Whitey is seen to always look forward to dinner and when the food is poured she fights both Brown y and Blacky so as to get the bigger pieces. Just like he mother warns Browny about being naughty, she warns Whitey about her selfish and greedy character. Lang illustrates Blacky as good natured with no characters of both Browny and Whitey. Lang says â€Å"he had nice dainty ways†¦his skin was always smooth and shining.† Blacky is seen as the cleverest of the three and as a result their mother was proud of him. The author shows a time when the mother of the three becomes old and feeble therefore calls his three piglets with an offer to build each a house. Browny prefers a house made of mud while Whitey prefers a cabbage house while Blacky prefers a house that is built with brick. Their mother applauds Blacky for being sensible especially with the fox being their worst enemy. Lang tells how the pigs move to their houses after their mother’s death. Browny is seen to enjoy rolling in his mud house until the day fox comes to visit. Browny does not let the fox in but with the use of his paws, he digs up a hole and gets his way in.  The fox grabs Browny by the neck and heads to his den for a feast. The following day, the fox is seen visiting Whitey who is enjoying a meal of cabbage. Whitey refuses to hear fox’s pleas to let him in; all the same the fox being sly eat his way to Whitey and took him to his house. The next day, the fox heads to Blacky’s house to try his luck. He tries all sorts of tricks but Blacky outsmarts him. For he does not give up, the fox goes up the chimney without realizing that Blacky has put a large kettle on the fire. The fox lands on the boiling water and dies instantly while Blacky rushes to the den to rescue both Browny and Blacky. The three are re-united and live with Blacky in his brick house happily ever after. References Alley, Z. (2008). There’s a Wolf at the Door. Illus. R W. Alley. New York: Roaring Brook Press. Ashliman, D. (1987). A Guide to Folktales in the English Language. New York: G reenwood Press. Dallimore, P. (2008). The Three Little Bush Pigs. Aussie Gems. Malvern, S. Australia: Omnibus Books Graham, A. (2000). Fairytale in the Ancient World. London: Routledge. Halliwell, J. (1849). Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales. London: John Russell Smith. Hooks, W. (1989). The Three Little Pigs and the Fox. New York: Aladdin. Jacobs, J. (1890). The Story of the Three Little Pigs: English Fairy Tales. London: David Nutt, 1890. Lang, A. (1965). The Green Fairy Book. New York: Dover. This book review on The Colorful Story of the Three Little Pigs was written and submitted by user Deon N. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.